Learn how to create a Project using a Survey and working with them in your project.
You can use survey responses and recommendations in your account to create projects.
Creating a Project from a Survey
To create a project from a survey, navigate to the Survey tab at the top of the page and select the survey response you would like to create a project using.
After clicking the Create a Project button, you will be brought to a new page to fill out the required Project details. After clicking Submit, a project will be created using the recommendations from the survey.
Updating a Survey in a Project
After creating a project using a survey you will notice a tab on the left side of your page called Surveys. Here you can view the survey, edit the responses to the survey, or even add more than one survey to the project.
To add a new survey to your project, select a survey on the dropdown menu and click the Add Survey button. You will be redirected to give responses to this new survey. After clicking the Submit button, it will add your new survey to this project.
To edit the responses to a survey already in your project, click on the survey and click the Update Responses button. You will be redirected to give new responses to this survey. After clicking the Submit button it will update these responses to this project.
Congratulations on creating a project using a survey! 🎉
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