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Vendor Quotes

Include third party services in your project from a vendor's quote.

Vendor quotes give you an easy way to include a third party's services with markup in your projects.

You can manage vendor Quotes in a Project under Third Party Services > Vendor Quotes.

Creating a Vendor Quote

To create a Vendor Quote, first press + Add Vendor Quote.

Next, you can provide some basic information about the Vendor you're received a quote from.

Overall Pricing vs. Derive from Services

Vendor quotes will allow you to set up your quote pricing in one of two ways:

  • If you leave, Derive one-time and recurring costs from services? unchecked, You will set up the Project's pricing on the overview page.

  • If you check Derive one-time and recurring costs from services?, the One Time Cost and Per Term cost will reflect the sum of the service pricing you define in the Vendor Description area.

Recurring Cost

Regardless of your choice about deriving costs from the services above, you will set the billing frequency for any recurring fees that may be included in your vendor quote using the Recurring Cost dropdown to select either Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly. Whichever option you choose here will govern the frequency option available for recurring services you may add to your quote. If you leave it set to none, you will not have the ability to add recurring services to your vendor quote.

Add services to the Vendor Quote

Via the User Interface

Next, you can add services to your vendor quote under the Vendor Description tab. You can align these services to the phases present in your account, give them a name, and define Service Description and Language Field Language for them.

You can also add pricing information. If you've chosen to derive from services, you can click on the pricing screen and set the attributes available.

  • The Phase selection is only used on Professional (One Time) services, so you can leave it blank on any services that will be Managed (recurring) services.

  • The Quantity field will multiply the Cost field by to get the total revenue for that line.

  • The Hours field works in a couple of different ways:

    • If derived from services is enabled, then the hours can be multiplied by the Rate to give a cost for both Professional and Managed Third Party Services

    • If derived from services is disabled, then the hours are informational only.

  • The Rate field works in tandem with the hours' field as described above for services where derived from services is enabled.

  • The Unit Cost field will be live-calculated with the Rate and Hours field results if those fields have a value and can otherwise be overwritten. If you change the Rate or hours fields after setting the Cost field, the value will be recalculated.

Once you're ready, click Submit. Now you can see a full listing of the vendor description of their services.

Via File Import

You can also Import Services to the Vendor Quote from a Spreadsheet, following most of the same rules for importing your own services to the platform.

The following columns can be imported here, with required columns noted with an*

  • Phase*: The Phase the service is aligned to in your Project.

  • Service: This is the name of the Service as it will be presented in the Scope of Work

  • Subsevice: These are the subservices that belong to the service. Following the convention from our regular spreadsheet importing method, for every subservice, you will repeat all of the initial columns (Phase and Service) to indicate that a particular subservice belongs to a service.

  • Quantity*: The quantity of the service in your Project.

  • Service Description*: The description of the Service that will flow into the Vendor Description field.

  • Language Field Columns: For every Language field configured in your account, you will find a column available for import.

After you've mapped the columns, click the Process Import button. You will be shown a screen of successfully imported services.

Setup "Our Description"

To finish, you can go to the Our Description tab and make any changes to how the Language will appear in your Project. You can change the Language to view select to the fields on the services and make changes.

You can press Submit to save. If you need to make changes to the Service name or add/change subservices, you can return to the Vendor Description tab.

Viewing the Services in the list of Professional Services

You can now navigate to the main Professional Services section of the platform to sequence the services with your other services in the Project. The Language you defined under Our Description will become the Service Description and Langauge Field language for your services in your Project! The resource completing the work will be displayed as the Vendor who is noted in the Vendor Quote.