Travel/Expense Items

Use ScopeStack to account for travel & expense items like airfare, meals, car rentals, and more using the Travel & Expense items.

Adding New Travel/Expense Items in Settings

ScopeStack comes with a few options for pre-defined Travel & Expense items. You can remove, change, or add your own under Settings > Financial > Travel & Expense.

To add a new expense item, click + Add Expense.

Here you can edit the Name, Resource Usage, Amount, and Phase of your Travel & Expense item. Once you have completed that you can press the Submit button to finish the process.

Adding Travel/Expense to a Project

To add a Travel/Expense item to a Project, navigate to Travel/Expense under the Professional Services tab of your project. Here you can click + Add Travel/Expense to add an item to your project.

Here you can edit...

  • Resource: This is the resource that the expense item is facilitating.

  • Expense: This is the category of Expense, selectable from the options you defined in Settings earlier.

  • Description: This is a custom description of the expense for this project.

  • Phase: This optional field allows you to indicate what phase the expense is happening in.

  • Amount Per Item/Day: This allows you to define the amount to charge per unit for this expense. For example...

    • If you are including airfare and the tickets are $500/trip, you can put $500 in this field.

    • If you are including per diem at $50/day, you can put $50 in this field.

  • Quantity: This is the number of units/days of the expense to include in the project.

When you are finished editing your Travel/Expense item, click Save to add the item to your project.

Congratulations on adding your Travel/Expense items to your project! To learn more about working on the platform, click the button below.

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