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  2. Working in the Platform
  3. Key Settings Configuration: Phases, Lines of Business, & Resources

Sequencing and Describing Work

How Phases, Managed Services, and SOW/MSA Language allow you to define what you're doing for your clients.

When you think about a project, whether a Professional Services or Managed Services project, there are several things you may want to do:

  1. You can name your work or give it either a meaningful front or back end title, so you know what it is.

  2. You can sequence your work or put it in the proper order that you want to accomplish it.

  3. You can describe your work or give additional context about what you are going to be doing in that step or stage.

In ScopeStack, these three things are accomplished through (1) services and subservice names, (2) Service sequencing within Phases or the generic phase, and (3) Service Descriptions.

Naming your work

Services (and their children Subservices) are the "units of effort or work" of your project and the elements you name. Part of ScopeStack's power is in its ability to dynamically re-arrange those elements and then generate documentation that follows the flow of your work. You can specify which pieces of information you want to be merged into the document and which pieces you want to be in the platform for your team's use only.

Sequencing your work

In Professional Services, you can create multiple Phases or the big over-arching steps to accomplish your work. These phases can be steps like Planning, Design, Implement, and Operate. Within each phase, you can arrange the units of effort to present the clearest picture to both your client and delivery teams of how the project is designed to be executed.

Phases can be setup and sequenced in Settings > Governance > Phases.

Once there, you can delete, re-order, and create new phases as long as you have appropriate permissions.

For Managed Services, there are no Phases. Still, the platform assumes a generic phase since the work is ongoing and allows you to sequence the services in whatever way you would like them presented in a Managed Services Agreement.

Dynamic Phases

We allow for dynamic phases to be used in projects. This means you can update or change your phases on a project-by-project basis. When creating a new project, the platform will use the current structure of your phases in Settings as a baseline. This will allow you to add or change any of these in your project without it affecting your standard setup in Settings.

To change the phases of a project, just press the Manage Phases button at the top of your Professional Services editor. You must have appropriate permissions in your roles to manage phases in this manner.

Note: Changes made to your phases in Settings will NOT be seen in projects made prior to the change.

Describing your work

For each Service, you can then describe what is happening within the service's context using the Service Description.

In Settings for both Professional and Managed Services, the Service Description Language fields are located in the tab directly to the right of the Service's overall information.

For Professional Services, the descriptions of the work you are performing for your clients are tied to the particular phase to which the Service is aligned.

For Managed Services, the platform provides you a place to define the service description for that service and its subservices.


To wrap it up, these three elements allow you to name, sequence, and describe your work in the platform and then, through document design, choose which of those elements you want to insert into your documents.

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