🚀 May 7, 2022 - Platform Updates

Exciting new platform updates, check it out!

🆕 New Features and Functionality

📃 UI Updates

We have been working hard to transition portions of the UI over to React, utilizing our enhanced API, released in August 2021.

We’ve also made enhancements along the way as well! Our end goal is to transition our entire front end to this new technology, which will enable us to build much more robust user experiences in the future!

In this release, we updated:

  • Partner Requests

  • Project Approvals

  • Project Versions (more on this one below)

  • Project Pricing

📑 Updates to Project Versions

While we updated the Project Versions UI, we've changed how versioning works to better align it with user expectations.

With this update, the concept of a “Version” has changed a bit.

  • Instead of being a snapshot of a point in time, it is a collection of changes between “creation” and “completion.”

    • Creation is what you’d expect — when the version is created.

    • Completion happens when a subsequent version is created, or the project is submitted for approval (since changes are frozen)

  • A version can still be created “ad hoc” by a user.

  • A version is automatically created whenever the project (re-)enters the “building” phase: at Project creation, when when the project is rescoped.

  • When a user restores a version, the platform will create a new version that brings back the state from when the restored version was completed, with the ‘reason’ indicating that the platform restored the previous version number.

📦 Sandbox Environment

We’ve created a free plan and a unique environment where those free plan accounts can live in support of our new pricing model. This update keeps the production environment more streamlined for our paying clients, ensuring you always have a smooth functioning platform!

Know someone who should give ScopeStack a try? They can sign up on our website!

🆕 Other Recent Updates

  • Project Navigation: As you may have noticed, we made updates to the Project menu to make the items flow a bit more naturally.

  • Settings: We've added the ability to search your list of Clients, making it easier to add Preferred Rates and client-specific Terms and Conditions.

📅 Next Scheduled Release

Currently, we've planned our next release for early August 2022. We plan to share the specific features in the release in advance. Let us know any questions here!

🆓 Free SoW Templates!!

We've launched a Free Sow Template library also! You can find that here:

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