Logging in to ScopeStack & Passwords

How to get access to the platform.

Looking to try out ScopeStack?

It's easy to sign up for a free account! You can sign up from our home page.

Free accounts are hosted in our Sandbox. You can see that you are in the sandbox environment if the web address begins with https://sandbox.scopestack.io

There are several features that are restricted in the Sandbox environment, such as being able to customize your document template or set up integrations. If you've upgraded, you need to log in to your paid plan account. All of your data and settings were migrated from Sandbox to Production when you upgraded.

Accessing an upgraded paid plan?

You can access your paid account easily from our production login screen.

Paid plans are hosted in our production environment. You can see that you are in the production environment if the web address begins with https://app.scopestack.io

Password Requirments

Passwords to access ScopeStack must be secure. Passwords must have a minimum of 8 characters, including at least:

  • One uppercase letter

  • One lowercase letter

  • One number

  • One symbol

New passwords are required every 90 days, and the last five passwords may not be reused.

If a user inputs their password incorrectly 5 times, they will need to contact Support to have their account unlocked.

SAML-based SSO

If you would like to bypass the ScopeStack password requirements, we can set up your account to use your preferred identity provider.

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