Let ScopeStack help you scope projects with multiple locations.
ScopeStack lets you easily manage locations for your Projects. As a best practice, we suggest you list the company's legal address for the document as the first location. Additional locations where labor will be performed and revenue should be allocated can be added for tracking of relevant financial information.
Adding Locations to Projects
You can add a location to a Project from the Project Overview screen. You must add at least 1 location to a Project.

After you've added an initial location to your project, you can add additional locations by...
Clicking the + Add Service Location to add another single service location
Clicking the Manage Service Locations button to see the option to Import a list of Service Locations via a spreadsheet.
Adding Locations to a Service
You can give different locations to individual services if you have more than one service locations in a project.
In the Add Services page you can define these locations prior to adding them to your project.

You can edit these locations freely on the Services page after adding services to your project.

Note: You will not be able to see the service location option if you have one or less locations in your project.
Importing Locations
When you click Manage Service Locations, see your options for adding, deleting, or importing service locations. You can click the Import button to select a file and import a list of locations.

To import a service location spreadsheet, you can provide the following columns with the required columns noted with a*:
Service Location Name*
Street Address*
Address Line 2
Postal Code*
Country: Countries can be referenced using the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Code format.