Describing attributes of your work.
Language Fields give you space to define content about a service or service beyond simply describing the work that will be done, such as defining assumptions related to the completion of the service or deliverables resulting from the work performed.
What is a Language Field?
In a project, you may need to note things like:
Clarifying actions related to the service that will not be performed (Out of Scope or Exclusions).
Responsibilities the customer will have as a result of a service's inclusion in a project (Client Responsibilities).
Assumptions include specifying the time of day a service may be performed (Assumptions).
Deliverables that will be produced as a result of the services' inclusion in the project (Deliverables).
Language Fields allow you to accurately define and document this information for specific services and subservices, providing enhanced precision and control when describing your work within projects.
Setting up Language Fields
Viewing the List of Language Fields
Language Fields can be set up and edited under Settings > Content > Language Fields. Here, you will find a list of Language Fields in your account.

You can edit a Language Field by clicking on any item.
You can re-sequence the order your language fields will be displayed in by grabbing the "handle" on the left side of the language field list, and you can delete a language field by clicking the X icon that appears when you hover over the field you want to delete.

To create a new Language Field, click + Add Language Field.
Creating and Modifying Language Fields
When you click on an existing field or opt to create a new one, you will see the following options.

On new Language Fields, you can set up their:
Name: This is the name that will be shown in user interface items on the platform.
Introduction & Conclusion: These give you a place to specify opening and closing language for the language field that can be included in document templates. For example, at the beginning of your list of Deliverables, you may want to have a heading that is the name of the field ("Deliverables") and then a sentence that explains the text ("The following deliverables will be created as a result of the work outlined in this statement of work"). The Introduction field gives you a place to specify this text that's then available in the merge data for you to use to build your document templates. Note that these fields are not editable on a project-by-project basis.
On Services in Settings
In Settings, when you are in Professional Services or Managed Services, you an access to Language Fields under the Service Language tab on your service.

When you first land on the Service Language tab, you will be shown the Service Description information. You can use these fields to describe the work being preformed during each service or subservice. To access the Language Fields, you can use the Show/Edit Content For selection to select the language field you would like to view or modify.

Once you select a Languguae Field, you will see the existing language for that language field on the service you are editing.
You can then begin making edits. If you attempt to change tabs before saving your content, you will be prompted to save before leaving the tab.
On Services in a Project
Using pre-defined services
After you've added a pre-defined service to a project, it will pull in any language present on the Settings version of that service. You can then modify it on a per-project basis without affecting the settings version of a service.
To access a Language Field in a project, click the appropriate option from the Professional Services section.
Once you select a Language field, you will see the language displayed.
If you have the necessary permissions, you can modify the language fields for each project by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the page once you have finished making changes. If any adjustments are made to a language field, it will be highlighted in red to signify that it differs from the standard version. You can click the Show Changes button to compare the language used in the project against the original language field in the service settings.
Using Custom Services
If you've created Custom Services on a project, you can follow the same method outlined above to access the Language Fields for your project and define the language appropriately.
Using Language Fields in Documents
Be sure to check out our Common Merge Field templates for examples of how to use them in projects, and learn how to read and use the Merge Data to create your own varieties.
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