🚀 Dec 12, 2019 - Platform Updates

Exciting new platform updates, check it out!

Thanks to all of the candy in October and despite all of the Turkey in November, the ScopeStack team has been pretty busy. Here are some of the enhancements we are excited about and also some of the noteworthy bug fixes we have rolled out.

New Features and Functionality

  • 🔥Questionnaire Builder - This is pretty awesome. You can now build your own forms that will drive a better information gathering on the front end. This is currently available for Pro level accounts and up... contact us to have this turned on for your account or to learn more!

  • 🔑Google SAML SSO - Supporting the Googles. See our help content to learn how to get this setup on your account! 

  • 🚌Per Location services breakdown - For all of you E-rate lovers out there...that horrible per location breakdown requirement just got a bit easier! You can now see this breakdown in the Pricing section for every project.

  • 🍴Forked Services Components - We have built functionality that gives you just as much control on standard language, with a touch of the flexibility every engineer wants when scoping. You can adjust predefined language on a per project basis.

  • Export ALL components within a Line of Business and Per Account to a CSV

  • You can now add in your company's logo to a Sow Dynamically through a new merge tag.

  • Modified Project Pricing function - Now back in to a desired budget

  • Onboarding UI Adjustments

Bug Fixes

  • Services pricing calculation fixes

  • Merge field formatting fixes

  • API Integration data handling

  • Custom language alignment to CSV import/export

  • Client name wasn't editable after duplicating

Coming Soon!

  • Change Tracking improvements!

  • UI/UX improvements for uploading & updating components!

  • More flexibly between lines of business and task types

  • Updates to how user roles are implemented 

Also, if you have not stopped by lately, we are spending considerable time building out more help content here:

Thank you for your continue support and please do not hesitate to reach out with any requests for enhancements and updates.

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