In ScopeStack, you can create Standard Managed Services that allow you to easily scope projects. Managed Services are used to scope recurring services, typically completed monthly, quarterly, or annually.
Creating a Service
You can create managed services in Settings > Content > Managed Services.

Here, you can see the list of services already in your account and make changes. To create a new service, click the Add A Service button in the top right.
Defining Structure
The first step is to define your service's structure.

In this dialogue, you can do the following:
Give your service a name
Set the billing frequency
- Align it to a Line of Business/Service Cateogry
- Define any additional details, like service SKU, tags, or restrict the service to teams.
- Create individual sub-services and assigning them default quantities
To finish your setup, you can click Submit
Once you've saved the initial setup of your service, you can add Service Price and Service Cost Variable Rates to the top-level portion of the service or any of the sub-services to define pricing based on quantity.
Defining Language
Once you've defined the effort and clicked Save Service, tabs for the Service Description, the Language Fields in your account, and to link Products will appear.

Service Description
If you click on the first tab to the right of the basic service information, you will be able to define its Service Description.

The top box gives you a place to define the language for the service and the additional boxes are spots for the individual subservices you defined on the Service tab.
The language here can be used in many different ways in your documents after you've added the service to a project and is accessible in the Merge Data view. We highly suggest working out the general structure of your document template before building lots of services as moving lots of data around after you've created services may be challenging. Learn more about using Merge Data here.
Once you're done defining language, click Save.
Language Fields
Additionally, you have spots to pre-define language to be pulled into projects for the language fields present in your account. The middle tabs correspond to the individual language fields and give you spots to pre-define language to be used in your document based on their inclusion in the project.
Associating Products
The Product tab gives you a place to identify ancillary Products that may be required in order to complete a task, such as licenses or physical devices. Once the Product is associated with the Service, the Product will be added automatically to a project whenever the Service is added to the Project.

If the service is later removed from the project, the Product will not be removed.