How to think about adding services and products between Settings and Projects.
In ScopeStack, there are two primary workflows for adding services to projects:
Standard content that is defined in settings.
Custom content that is created on a per-project basis.
Standard Content
Defining in Settings
Standard content allows you to pre-define all aspects of the service to make it fast and convenient to build and scope your projects.
Adding to a project
When you add standard content to a project, it's effectively copied into the project. Later changes made to the services in settings won't affect copies of the service in a project. After it's been added, you can update parameters like the Service Descriptions and Language Field information per-project.
Changes you made to the language in a project are localized to that project.
If you duplicate that project, the service in the source project will be used as the basis for duplication, including any language updates you made there.
If you change standard content in Settings, they will not update existing projects' versions' of that contents information. When that content is added to a project after the update's been made, the changes will be reflected in that new project.
Custom Content
Building in a project
Custom content can be defined on a per-project basis. All attributes of these pieces of content are editable within the project and can be changed at any time.
If you duplicate a project that contains custom services, the Custom services will be carried over into the duplicated project.